The Reading of Heavy on my MInd


  1. For my humble money one of the most poignant pieces you’ve written.
    Yet little comment reaction from Du?
    Proving how some open honest works do fall on stony ground

    These dimensions that we have and that which we perceive
    First to read the written word
    Then added in a photograph
    How would we feel to hear the voice in spoken word?
    Does it fit the photograph?
    Sometimes not
    Yet here it does
    Your voice sounds just like I thought it would
    Of mine, you’d have a royal laugh LOL

    1. Thank you harlequin you are very kind and extremely generous to say so, it was my first foray into this realm of poetry reading, with the encouragement of a few people I did this one. I am currently trying to make it better, the audio quality is not the best. As for laugh at you no, I don't think so, you probably have a great British accent.


  2. Those who encourage you deserve a pat upon the back. Let your Andalusian gypsy soul have its voice ... BTW does it sound better to you in English or Spanish rendition?

  3. That is to say, experiment a little ... try reading it in English as a Spanish dancer would if that makes sense?

    1. Yes it does; the way my mother speaks, she has a very strong Spanish accent.
      We shall see.


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