

  1. You consistently write within a different dimension here from elsewhere.

  2. Here as in my blogger page? Well I like to think of this place as my own little intimate nook where I can let my imagination run wild. As for my pieces they too come from a place within that is very intimate, they have as much truth interwoven with imagination till the lines blur and it becomes a cohesive piece.

  3. And very well and honestly done it all is. Have you been writing long?

  4. I think honestly I have had an affinity for reading & writing since I was child, I have boxes full of note books as early as my elementary school years. I did not start to write for public scrutiny until about four years ago and that was by accident. I was on a social website with live chat that centered around poetry and writing. We frequently posted short little pieces for eachother to read and critique, from there I helped with the creation of a website like DU for poets that needed a place to polish and get help with their writing. That in turn lead to two that I co-created and two others that where mine(social websites about poetry)but, all of them were in the Spanish language, the DU was the first place that I began to post my pieces in English, aside from here at Blogger.The short answer is: yes I have been writing long but only in the last few years it has gotten to the point that I can say with humility, it is decent enough for others to read.

  5. I also scribbled many thoughts when I was younger but only ever for myself. Love of music took over and a few years back I eventually bought a guitar and four years gone began to post a few of my instrumental tunes upon another site. This, by other convoluted ways of coincidences got me reading and later commenting on other people written words. One good soul in particular then encouraged me to write myself. First efforts surfaced in August last year and more have followed although I often consider that I rush to write too much and post too soon! It is none the less a personally cathartic endeavour which does indeed teach me more about my slightly off kilter self.

  6. I think music and writing poetry go hand in hand and seeing that as so many lyrics begin life as a poem,rhyme or sonnet gives weight to the thought. I listen a lot to music when I write as well, the melodies and the sentiments that flow from them breath life into my ideas or awaken some latent thought turning it into inspiration for a piece. At times and in conjunction with the music what was a sentence comprised of nothing more than a thought begins to take shape and commences to take on a life of its own. I really do see some of my pieces a living, breathing thing that evolves as I write, as time passes or both. They seem to change and mature like a wine, the longer it sits the deeper the flavor. Like you, I agree wholeheartedly that we get to know our most secret selves when we start to write, I think that is because our point of views and our life experiences color our work in such a way that it becomes an imprint of us and as such when we see those emotions in our pieces we can analyze them better.

  7. I agree completely regarding those mentoring moments and the gestation process whence verse does indeed take up a life of its own. Ah they are never ever finished although we must sign them off at some point and say yes that was how it was and what it became. For all we need and enjoy the finished thing it is often a tortuous process in between? Do you not feel disposed to write at the moment?

  8. How very observant of you my dear, at the moment I am running on dry and lacking the spark to write something and/or finish one of my started pieces.I currently have eight or nine pieces waiting for the "spark of life" that will get them finished. In the mean time I am finally attempting to create an index and catalog my three hundred plus pieces so as to know which ones have been edited, publish, finished or unfinished.My best gal friend tells me, it is about time to give order to my creative chaos(have no idea what she is talking about lolol). Also if I am brave enough change the format to PDF so that maybe I can get some of my work published professionally, she feels that it is good enough for that Even though I beg to differ(and to my chagrin lol) she promptly lets me know it is just my cowardice that impedes progress; so at the moment I am doing some house keeping until my muse returns.

  9. Ah …. Writers, so careful with construct of word and yet so lackadaisical to file and log and how that remark would well resemble me! I think your work on my acquaintance most accomplished and surely destined to be published ….. Of muse? An interesting subject, I shall think upon a write on that. Trusting your own muse does not tarry too long

  10. I beat you to it, lol At DU there a piece that I recently posted about my fickle muse and his dalliances "my muse wears combat boots" sure to make you laugh! When write your adventures with your muse, I will certainly read it.

  11. Ah well, let it not be said I did not give it a go :)

  12. LOL an oblique reference to my 'Bemused' piece. I visited your own good muse-athon. Poor chap must fear for his well being?

  13. He should, he really should, on a bad hairday I can be very wicked!lolol

  14. All writers love of metaphor and damn right too. Winston Churchill spoke of Black Dog Days ... For me 'Black Hole Days' serves as well as it might ... you might forgive this comment, presumptuous as it is?

  15. Hahaha nothing to forgive, we are human, maybe even more so when we are writers because, we can bring our emotions to the surface so as to be able to express them in writing. Here sir, you may get comfortable and let your "hair fly" so to speak hahaha no one here but me and the mad ramblings of my mind hahaha.

  16. We rotate and revolve in space? ......


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